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The Taxi Dermy Mounts


Welcome to The Taxidermy Mounts For Sale, your one-stop store in Texas for all your needs related to taxidermy. Taxi dermy Mounts has been providing the best quality and care possible for over 30 years in the preservation of Texas hunting trophies. We take an ardent interest in the natural world and recognize the strong bond hunters have with their kills.

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Discover the Art of Dermestid Taxidermy


Our website is the ultimate destination for Dermestid enthusiasts, offering an extensive range of products and services tailored to meet the needs of collectors, hunters, and researchers. From detailed guides on Dermestid taxidermy to an exquisite collection of mounts and cleaning services, we provide everything you need to celebrate and preserve the beauty of the natural world.

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About Us - The Taxi Dermy
Mounts For Sale

Welcome to The Taxi Dermy Mounts For Sale, your premier destination for an unparalleled selection of taxidermy mounts, skins, rugs, furs, horns, antlers, and skulls. Nestled at the crossroads of tradition and craftsmanship, our website serves as a curated gallery, showcasing the beauty and majesty of the natural world through the art of taxidermy.

Founded by a team of passionate wildlife enthusiasts and skilled artisans, The Taxi Dermy Mounts For Sale was born out of a profound respect for nature and a desire to bring its splendor into homes and collections around the globe. We believe in the power of preserving history, celebrating wildlife, and fostering a deeper connection with the natural world.

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Trusted Dermy
Mount Store

A leading destination for top-quality dermestid mounts, Nature's Gallery is renowned for its exceptional craftsmanship and dedication to preserving the natural beauty of your trophies.

With a focus on sustainability and meticulous attention to detail, this store offers a wide range of services, from skull cleaning to complete skeletal articulations. Trusted by museums, hunters, and collectors alike, Nature's Gallery guarantees a superior preservation of your cherished hunting memories, bringing them to life with unparalleled realism.

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Work That Fills Us with Pride

Preserving every detail of a taxidermy mount requires meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of both the art and science of taxidermy. This process ensures that the mounted specimen remains as lifelike and pristine as possible over time. The goal is not just to prevent decay, but also to capture and maintain the creature’s essence and characteristics. Here’s an overview of the key steps and considerations in preserving every detail of a taxidermy mount:


  1. Skinning and Tanning: Carefully skin the specimen to preserve all features, including tiny details like whiskers and eyelids. The skin is then tanned to halt decomposition. Tanning must be thorough, as improperly treated skins can deteriorate.

  2. Cleaning: Ensure the skin, fur, or feathers are meticulously cleaned without damaging delicate parts. Specialized solutions may be used to clean and condition fur or feathers, enhancing their appearance and longevity.

  3. Repairing Damage: Any tears or damages incurred during skinning or from the animal’s life must be repaired. This might involve sewing, patching, or using fillers to restore the original appearance.


  1. Form and Structure: The internal structure, often made from wire, foam, or a combination of materials, must replicate the animal’s anatomy accurately. Paying attention to muscle placement, body proportions, and pose is crucial for a lifelike result.

  2. Detail Work: Features such as eyes, noses, and mouths require special attention. Glass eyes are selected to match the species and individual characteristics. Noses and mouths might be sculpted or painted to replicate the texture and color accurately.

  3. Positioning: The pose must reflect natural behavior for the species, with attention to detail in the positioning of limbs, head, and tail. This step is vital for the overall realism of the mount.

Finishing Touches

  1. Grooming: Fur or feathers are groomed to their natural state, considering the direction and pattern of growth. This stage may involve subtle styling to enhance the mount’s lifelike appearance.

  2. Color Restoration: Over time, colors can fade. Skilled taxidermists may use airbrushing or hand painting to restore or enhance colors on the skin, fur, feathers, beaks, and claws.

  3. Protection: Applying protective coatings can help preserve the colors and materials of the mount. These coatings must be chosen carefully to avoid altering the texture or appearance.

Environmental Considerations

  • Light: Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, which can fade colors and damage materials.
  • Humidity and Temperature: Maintain stable and moderate humidity and temperature levels to prevent drying out or mold growth.
  • Pest Prevention: Regular inspections and preventive measures can protect the mount from pests like beetles or moths.